Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Planning all about the valentines day flower for your valentine and with all talking done with the florist , what should be the next step? Flowers are needed to be preserved for long! It is a symbol of love and you want to keep it alive! Don't forget to take care of the Valentine's Day flowers from your valentine. Because they are worth preserving. Isn't it? Here are few tips on how to do so-

  • Water is the most vital aspect of flower care. Try to keep the flowers in water to keep them fresh.
  • Keep the flowers cool. Warm temperatures shorten the life of the blooms.
  • When the valentine's day flowers start to wilt, remove the stem from the arrangement and re-cut the stem.
  • Next, submerge the entire flower in warm water.
  • Potted plants are also a popular gift. Like arrangements, keep them in a cool location and avoid heat drafts or dry air for longer color.
  • If your valentines day roses arrived in plastic water tubes, remove them before arranging.
  • Remove any leaves that will be under water, taking care not to cut through or scrape the green bark.
  • Recut stems by removing 1-2 inches with a sharp knife.
  • Immediately after cutting, place roses in a clean, deep vase of water containing a flower food provided by your florist.
  • Check the flower food solution daily and make sure to keep it full, clean, and fresh. If the solution becomes cloudy, replace it entirely.
  • Keep your roses in a cool place, out of direct sun and drafts.


posted by Dave Richards at 3:43 AM |